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What Is Dysautonomia? Explaining Why Is It Important
Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 6th, 2020 October is Dysautonomia Awareness Month. This becomes increasingly important as we are now seeing individuals with dysautonomia after COVID-19. But what is dysautonomia? Why haven’t I heard of it before? And is it common or rare? Dysautonomia is a general term used to…

Probiotic Prevents COVID-19 Replication
Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 2nd, 2020 Korean researchers have come across a probiotic in sea buckthorn berry that affects the replication of the SARS CoV-2 virus. This plant has been studied extensively for differing bacteria/probiotics associated with it and antiviral/bacterial activity. This recent unpublished data suggests new uses for…

Aging and How it Affects Our Immune System
Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 1st, 2020 The single biggest risk factor for severe COVID disease is aging. As of the writing of this, 70% of all COVID related deaths have occurred in those over 70. So, age alone becomes the single biggest risk factor related to death from COVID.…

An Epidemic of Cracked Teeth: Another Rising Trend in COVID Times
Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: September 22nd, 2020 Cracked teeth can be a marker for so many things and be related to multiple different diseases. Dr. Chen, a practicing dentist in New York City has seen this become a widespread phenomenon since her return to routine practice this past June. This…

Additional Evidence Supporting the Call for Further Study Into the Role of Vitamin D in COVID-19 Disease Severity
Social Media Resources Published: September 18, 2020 As the evidence mounts, the question I am asking is when will the NIH, WHO, CDC or any organization perform a randomized trial on Vitamin D? Until that occurs we will continue to watch all the other forms of evidence continue to accumulate. Take home points: most individuals…

Expert Opinions in COVID-19 and Our Immune System Dysregulation
Social Media Resources Published: September 14, 2020 Mast cells are an often-forgotten part of our immune system. They are found in our guts, kidneys, lungs, brains, gums and skin and, until recently, were not even a part of medical vocabulary. However, with the onslaught of more and more chronic illness in our country for which…

Worldwide Vaccine Update and Review of Clinical Trials
Social Media Resources Published: September 10, 2020 In this video, we will discuss the updates on the Russian vaccine studies as well as how this relates to what is currently happening in the U.S. Many people have expressed concerns about the U.S. vaccine trials and we will address them here. Dr. Hartman of Richmond Integrative &…

New IV Therapy in Hospitalized Patients Results in ZERO Deaths from COVID-19
Social Media Resources Published: September 8, 2020 In this study, no patients died who received this IV therapy. So, what is this seemingly miraculous new drug? Intravenous Vitamin D (Calcifediol) In this study, patients admitted to the hospital were divided into two groups. One group received standard of care treatment and the other standard of…

CDC Tells States to Prepare for Vaccine Distribution Nov 1st: Update on the Status of Vaccine Trials and Deployment
Social Media Resources Published: September 3, 2020 The development of a vaccine against COVID-19 disease has been remarkable. New guidance from the CDC to all 50 states in the U.S. is to prepare for the distribution of a vaccine by late October or by November 1st. This is a monumental announcement. In this video, Dr.…

Choosing the Right Vitamin D Supplement
Social Media Resources Published: August 21, 2020 Vitamin D has come to the forefront as the most important and studied nutrient in severe COVID-19 disease. This video discusses how to choose a high-quality vitamin D supplement, it’s main effects on our body’s metabolism, and how to choose a high-quality vitamin D supplement. Since 2010, Richmond…

COVID-19 Vaccine Study Update: Phase 3 Studies Beginning
Dr. Hartman has been involved with clinical research for over 10 years and overseen more than 60 different studies. Last week we began our involvement in clinical research with Pfizer and their COVID-19 vaccine. The goal is to enroll about 30,000 patients in their Phase 3 study. In this video, Dr. Hartman shares some of…

Long Haulers: New Disease or Novel Expression of and Old Concept? Post-COVID Inflammatory Syndrome and how we are coming to understand it
Social Media Resources Published: August 19, 2020 It appears that during this pandemic obesity and alcohol consumption are on the rise. Both of these are associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and others. Though any one of these is a risk factor for severe COVID-19 disease, we are…

Obesity, Alcohol Consumption, and Risk for Severe COVID-19 Disease
It appears that during this pandemic obesity and alcohol consumption are on the rise. Both of these are associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and others. Though any one of these is a risk factor for severe COVID-19 disease, we are seeing that specifically obesity and then a…

Long Term Immunity in COVID-19 Using SARS as our Point of Reference
There have been multiple people asking me about long-term immunity in COVID-19. In this video, I’ll review a recent article printed in Nature that discusses long term immunity and uses another coronavirus, SARS, as the comparator. The gist is that it appears there will be long-term immunity to this infection regardless of the presence of antibodies,…
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