Search Results: MCAS

Made for Health

Demystifying Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

A Conversation with Dr. Lawrence Afrin

If ever there were an 8,000-pound invisible elephant in the medical profession’s waiting room, it’s this disease.

Paradigm Shift

Exploring the Impact of Mold & CIRS on Medicine

It would be difficult to overstate how dramatically my medical practice has been influenced by CIRS—not because I went looking for it…

Mystery Illnesses

Demystifying POTS

This Mystery Illness Sweeping Our Country Doesn’t Need to Mystify You

Understanding POTS can seem overwhelming, but realizing its connection to other conditions offers a pathway to effective treatment.

Woman casting a long shadow

Treating Long COVID

Facing a Real Problem and Moving Forward

Long COVID is an inflammatory response to the original infection. That’s important because post-infectious inflammatory complications are not new.

Superpower or Supersyndrome? | Part 2

Hypermobility & Chronic Health Issues

Connecting the Dots between Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmune Disease, & POTS

If a syndrome is a condition associated with a cluster of symptoms, a supersyndrome is a group of related conditions often seen together.

Chronic Health Issues

Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Disease

Addressing the Seismic Rise in Chronic Health Issues

Chronic health issues (autoimmune & autoinflammatory) are now the most common medical problems we deal with. How can you protect yourself?

Understanding Lyme Disease: The Burden, Diagnosis, and Controversy

Chronic Lyme Disease

Demystifying Lyme Disease

Understanding, Diagnosing, & Treating This Mysterious Illness

The number of Lyme disease cases in the US is greater than breast cancer, yet its still widely misunderstood and misdiagnosed.

Top 5 Diseases Associated With Low Vitamin D

Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 20th, 2020 Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients required for health and wellness and its deficiency is…

Cutting Edge Treatments for Long Haulers: Ampligen

Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 19th, 2020 This news release drew my interest and it is the 1st IRB approved study I have seen for…

Nuts & Seeds Prevent Viral Infections

Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 15th, 2020 What if I told you that healthy fats could prevent infections? Fatty acids are essential for the proper…

Foundations for Resilience and Healthy Living

Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 15th, 2020 The foundations of functional medicine are just that, the foundations. They form the critical base on which health…

Vitamin D and COVID prevention- Finally a Study!

Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 13th, 2020 Every time I tell myself I’m not going to post another article on Vitamin D and infection prevention,…

what is dysautonomia?

What Is Dysautonomia? Explaining Why Is It Important

Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 6th, 2020 October is Dysautonomia Awareness Month. This becomes increasingly important as we are now seeing individuals with dysautonomia after…

Probiotic Prevents COVID-19 Replication

Social Media Resources Link to Social Media Post Published: October 2nd, 2020 Korean researchers have come across a probiotic in sea buckthorn berry that affects the replication of the SARS…