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New Resource: The Foundations of Functional Medicine
Our newest micro-course explores the timeless health principles that can transform your life!
New Resource: Real Food Diaries
Discover the transformative power of eating real food in our FREE micro-course. Say goodbye to processed foods and hello to a healthier you!
Coach’s Corner: 9 Servings of Veggies in Real Life
Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow I may have to eat them. – Author unknown Blank stares. Sometimes that’s the response I get when I tell clients that the Institute for Functional Medicine recommends 9-12 servings of colorful vegetables each day. That is so different from the way that most of…
Coach’s Corner: Meal Planning in Real Life
Meal Planning in Real Life How to Get Healthy and Tasty Food on the Table More Efficiently Meal planning is a frequent topic of conversation in health coaching sessions. How can you get in the 9-12 servings of vegetables AND hit your protein goals without turning cooking into your full-time job? I asked…
Coach’s Corner: What are Healthy Carbs?
Are You Afraid of Carbs? Carbohydrates are a frequent topic of conversation in coaching sessions. My clients often want to know: How many and what kinds of carbs should I eat? If I remove processed carbs from my diet, won’t I experience low energy? Should I avoid carbs? The answer to that question relies…
A New Year Reset with the Fasting-Mimicking Diet
Everyone is talking about anti-aging and anti-cancer therapies these days. They’re looking for a quick fix. But what if I told you that there IS a way that has been shown to boost stem cells and recycle aging, inefficient cells in order to improve your metabolism? What if there were an easy treatment…
Food and Mood Part 1: The Role of Inflammation in Anxiety and Depression
Food affects our mood; what we eat directly impacts how we feel. Mood disorders are on the rise. These include issues like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal affective disorder. But many of us also have more mild mood instability, feel easily irritated, experience quick mood swings, or have a general sense of brain…
Coach’s Corner: An Easy (and Cheap) Way to Add More Collagen to Your Diet
Making your own bone stock is a great way to stretch your food dollar a little further, add some important nutrients to your diet, and reduce food waste. What’s So Great About Collagen? We see collagen supplements in almost every store, making various claims for healthier joints, skin, nails, hair, and more. The benefits…
Are you Pregnant or Thinking About Getting Pregnant? Is Functional Medicine Right for You?
If you’re a mom-to-be or are thinking of having children soon, you might have questions about how functional medicine can be beneficial to you in this season of life. I see many young, healthy women in my clinic who come to RIFM specifically because they want to be in peak physical health before having a…
The Fasting Mimicking Diet
With all the talk about fasting, you may have heard of the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), as a popular fasting method with impressive results. In this article, let’s talk about the FMD, what it is, some of the benefits, and some suggestions I have for a successful implementation of the Fasting Mimicking Diet. What is…
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Fasting
When I talk with my patients about fasting, they often tell me about the unpleasant side effects that they experience. Today I’d like to talk about some of the obstacles to fasting you might face and some ways to support your body for a more pleasant fasting experience. The Pitfalls of Fasting Some common…
Coach’s Corner: Half a Plate of Veggies to Cut the Nutritional Noise
If a quality diet is the foundation of health, filling half of your plate with colorful, nutritionally-dense vegetables is the cornerstone. In last month’s post, A Mindset of Eating More, I talked about setting positive goals around nutrition. Today I’d like to talk about a simple habit change that could make a big…
July Coach’s Corner: A Mindset of Eating More, Not Less
When was the last time you heard someone say that they were cutting carbs or fat, eliminating gluten or dairy, or removing processed foods or sugar? This is a common way we describe what we’re eating these days; it appeals to our negativity bias. But our focus on what we’re NOT eating often backfires not…