Recommended Reading
Jumpstart your journey to health this year by expanding your reading list.

Unfortunately, many resources these days are not helpful or even misleading. I’ve spent the last several years reading available popular books and have listed those I think will be both helpful and accurate. While I personally do not agree with every point in every resource, those listed are from professionals who have worked through the medical literature and formulated accurate readings on their thoughts and research. My hope is that this listing will be a launching point for your personal and intellectual journey.
We have recently updated our recommended reading list to improve its accessibility.
Recent Recommendations
The Toxin Solution
How Hidden Poisons in the Air, Water, Food, and Products We Use Are Destroying Our Health—AND WHAT WE CAN DO TO FIX IT
Joseph Pizzorno, MD
Dr. Pizzorno is best known for founding Bastyr University and writing the textbook of Natural Medicine. This book represents his most recent research project on the association between environmental toxins and chronic illness. This book is enlightening in its clear exposition of the association of entities from diabetes and autoimmune diseases to cancer and their close association with environmental toxin exposure. This is a great recommendation for anyone who is skeptical of the association between environmental toxins and human health.