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Spring Without Suffering: How Quercetin Blocks 96% of Histamines BEFORE Your First Sneeze (While Big Pharma Buries It)
If you’re sick of being held hostage by spring allergies while medications leave you a zombie, this discovery will make you furious.
Demystifying Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS): A Conversation with Dr. Lawrence Afrin
If ever there were an 8,000-pound invisible elephant in the medical profession’s waiting room, it’s this disease.
Overcoming IBS
If you’re struggling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or gastrointestinal (GI) issues, please know that you’re not alone. 10 – 15% of the population has IBS, and GI complaints are one of the major reasons people go to their primary care doctor.
Top 10 Myths About Autoimmune Disease
One in 12 Americans has an autoimmune disease, and twenty percent of the population currently has an auto antibody.
Top 10 Myths About Mold
Because I see so many patients affected by mold toxicity, and I hear so much confusion, I’d like to clear the air (literally and metaphorically) by dispelling the top 10 myths I hear surrounding mold-related illness.
Hypermobility & Chronic Health Issues
If a syndrome is a condition associated with a cluster of symptoms, a supersyndrome is a group of related conditions often seen together.
Spring Time Allergies: Causes & Solutions
You might be surprised to learn what the root causes are behind some of your seasonal sniffles!
The Power of Fasting
Fasting is more than just a health trend. If you’ve heard whispers about the transformative power of fasting but haven’t yet ventured into this realm, now is the perfect time to explore the ancient wisdom and modern science of fasting.
Food & Mood: Take Control of Your Mental Health
Mood disorders like anxiety and depression are increasing. But understanding the critical link between food and mood can empower you to take back control of your mental health.
Inflammation: The Underlying Cause of Chronic Disease
Inflammation is a normal response of our body’s immune system … but it can sometimes run amok, leading to all kinds of problems.
Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Disease
Chronic health issues (autoimmune & autoinflammatory) are now the most common medical problems we deal with. How can you protect yourself?
Understanding, Diagnosing, & Treating Lyme Disease
The number of Lyme disease cases in the US is greater than breast cancer, yet its still widely misunderstood and misdiagnosed.
Age Is Just a Number: Anti-Aging Strategies
Imagine the aging process in your body slowing down. Can we decelerate aging and live a vibrant life as we grow older? Wonder no more. We know that behaviors such as smoking, alcohol, and inadequate sleep can speed up the aging process. There are also many steps we can take to counteract the impact of…