Search Results: hormone

liver detoxification process

Liver Detoxification Process

In Part III, Dr Aaron Hartman, a functional medicine practitioner, explains the liver detoxification process as part of body’s natural detoxification.

liver detoxification process

Toxin Exposure & Chronic Disease

In Part II we will review the literature for toxin exposure and links to chronic disease.

Functional Medicine: A Primer

While we are increasingly hearing more about inflammation, few of us understand the good purposes inflammation plays in our body or when those good purposes move to dysfunction.

woman suffering from Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Treatment Options from an Integrative & Functional Medicine Perspective

Just as the causes and associated triggers for CF/FMS are diverse, so are the treatments. The ultimate goal is to address the underlying root causes and let your body reboot itself.

woman suffering from Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A Functional Medicine Perspective on an Old Friend

So, what exactly are Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (FM/CFS)? The short answer is we still don’t know. The long answer is the following…

The Underlying Cause of Chronic Disease

In part II of our series, we look at five common causes of inflammation: trauma, infections, deficiencies, toxins, and stress.

The Underlying Cause of Chronic Disease

While we are increasingly hearing more about inflammation, few of us understand the good purposes inflammation plays in our body or when those good purposes move to dysfunction.

Working with a Functional Medicine Practitioner

Functional Medicine practitioners promote wellness by focusing on the fundamental underlying factors that influence every patient’s experience of health and disease.

Why Eat Organic Foods?

Adopting an organic lifestyle helps to enhance the health of ecosystems, organisms—and you.

functional medicine matrix

The Functional Medicine Matrix

In the Functional Medicine Matrix, the body’s function is viewed in light of seven fundamental systems. It takes into account how the environment interacts with your genes and can result in health or disease.


Nutrition “Let Food Be Thy Medicine & Medicine Thy Food” – Hippocrates “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest…