Search Results: cardiovascular disease

Choosing Healthy Cooking Oils

What’s wrong with seed oils? First, the bad news. This may be surprising, but I’m going to be blunt here. Canola, corn, soybean, palm, and vegetable oils are rancid, partially…

Coach’s Corner: Coffee Lovers Rejoice!

I often get questions about coffee. Clients broach the subject with trepidation, sometimes almost whispering, “Do you think I need to give up coffee?” They are surprised when I say, “Probably not.”  …

Coach’s Corner: What’s So Great about Flax Seeds?

If you could take a pill that would help balance your hormones, make you more insulin sensitive, and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease AND breast cancer by 25%, would…

The Fasting Mimicking Diet

With all the talk about fasting, you may have heard of the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD), as a popular fasting method with impressive results. In this article, let’s talk about…

Sunlight in reflecting in the woods

Coach’s Corner: Is Sunlight Your New Supplement?

How much sunlight have you seen today? If you would like to improve your sleep, mood, immune function, or regulate your appetite, this post is for you.   Have you…

Hormone SERIES Insulin 3 of 3: Nutrients to Improve Insulin Sensitivity

In this final post on insulin, we’ll discuss various nutrients that combat insulin resistance and make our bodies more sensitive to this important hormone. People tend to jump straight to…

Hormone Series Insulin 1 of 3: Introducing Insulin and Insulin Resistance

Insulin is one of the top three hormones in the hormone hierarchy that affect all other hormones. The other hormones at the top of the hierarchy are cortisol (adrenal hormones)…

Hormone SERIES Estrogen 1 of 3

When we think about women’s hormones, we usually think of estrogen first. While men also need estrogen, as it’s required for critical thinking, in this series we will focus on…


Although DHEA is one of the most commonly overlooked hormones, it is a master hormone responsible for the creation of cortisol, testosterone, and estrogen.   While cortisol, testosterone, and estrogen…

woman enjoying the sunshine

How to Manage Wise Sun Exposure, According to an Expert

Here’s why getting the right amount of sun is critical to your health

Recreation of endothelium

Here’s the Root Cause of COVID-19—and It’s not What You Think!

Read about the part of the body where the SARS-CoV-2 virus does it’s dirty work

What Is Long COVID

Dealing With Long COVID

Dr. Aaron Hartman explains the risk factors that increase the likelihood of Post COVID-19 Syndrome, including environmental, inflammation & nutritional factors.

Foundations of Functional Medicine: Episode 4

In this [long-awaited, yet very timely] podcast episode, Dr. Hartman addresses the third pillar of the foundations of Functional Medicine: Stress & Relaxation. What is stress? How does it affect our health, and is it an issue currently in our culture? What are some new scientific insights that are helping us understand the importance of stress on our health, and what can we do to utilize these new insights to optimize our health? Listen in for answers to these questions and lots of resources to help you manage stress and anxiety effectively.

GI Tract Function & Health – Where It All Begins

In part two of this series on gastroenterology, Dr. Hartman discusses what happens when things go wrong. How do malfunctions in this complex system relate to our health and affect our health?