Made for Health

Our Silent Crisis

Men’s Health is in Crisis...& No One’s Talking About It

Dr. Aaron Hartman

October 8, 2024

Our Silent Crisis

What if I told you that the average man today has half the testosterone levels his grandfather had?

This isn’t just some abstract statistic; it’s a stark reality affecting men right now. It’s not only about fertility or libido—testosterone is central to vitality, mental clarity, and long-term health. Yet, men are sleepwalking into a health crisis, and the worst part? Many don’t even know it.

Testosterone levels have halved in the last 20 years, and most men have no idea it’s happening. – Dr. Tracy Gapin

Enter Dr. Tracy Gapin—a urologist-turned-men’s health and performance expert—who is on a mission to help men reclaim their power and vitality. I recently sat down with Dr. Gapin to discuss his story and insights into men’s health.

From Urologist to Precision Performance Expert

A Personal Health Epiphany

Dr. Gapin’s journey from a traditional urologist to a performance optimization expert started with his own health crisis. Despite his extensive medical training, he found himself overweight, exhausted, and stuck in a system that wasn’t offering real solutions.

Like most of us, when Dr. Gapin sought help from his doctor, he was given the same tired advice—“eat more vegetables, exercise, and maybe take a statin if things don’t improve.” That wasn’t enough for him. “I felt empty after that visit. Like, wait—that’s it? The system is failing men, and I realized that if I didn’t have the answers, no one else did either.”

I felt empty after that visit. Like, wait—that’s it? The system is failing men, and I realized that if I didn’t have the answers, no one else did either.

This health scare sparked his deep dive into precision medicine. He shifted from simply managing illness to optimizing performance, using data, epigenetics, and advanced testing. The goal? To help men not just survive—but thrive.

The Testosterone Crisis

A Perfect Storm for Decline

The world is seeing a steep decline in men’s testosterone levels—and it’s getting worse by the year. Testosterone levels in men today are nearly 50% lower than they were 20 years ago.

What’s Behind the Drop?

  • Environmental toxins (plastics, chemicals, and pesticides)
  • Poor nutrition & lifestyle choices
  • Chronic stress
  • Sedentary habits

We’re literally seeing microplastics in semen. It’s not just chemicals anymore—it’s the plastics themselves. That’s how deep this problem goes. – Dr. Tracy Gapin

This issue isn’t just about feeling tired or low energy—it’s a full-blown public health crisis. Low testosterone impacts everything from sexual health to heart disease risk and longevity.

If this doesn’t change, Dr. Gapin warns, we’re looking at a future where male fertility—and overall health—might never recover. “In 20 years, men will be infertile if we stay on this path.”

Beyond Testosterone

Why Your Health Is More Than Just T-Levels

While testosterone gets all the headlines, it’s not the only hormone driving your health. Dr. Gapin emphasizes the importance of viewing the body as a symphony of hormones working together.

Testosterone is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s the symphony of hormones that determines your health. – Dr. Tracy Gapin

Key Hormones to Track:

  • Cortisol – Governs stress response and energy
  • Insulin – Critical for blood sugar regulation and metabolism
  • Estrogen – Yes, men need a balance of this too
  • Thyroid Hormones – Regulate energy, metabolism, and mood

When all of these hormones are in balance, you’ll feel stronger, sharper, and more energetic. When they’re out of sync, everything suffers.

Go Deeper…

Read our article series: “Your Hormones in Harmony.”

Identifying Blind Spots in Men’s Health

What You Can’t See…Can Still Kill You

For many men, their biggest health risks are hidden. “I had a guy who looked fit on the outside, but his calcium score was 212. He was a ticking time bomb.” A high calcium score points to calcified plaque in the arteries—a serious red flag for heart disease. The kicker? This guy didn’t have a single symptom. “It’s like he was driving a Ferrari with no brakes.”

Dr. Gapin’s approach uses advanced diagnostic tools to uncover issues that most men (and their doctors) miss.

Tests That Reveal Hidden Health Issues:

  • Calcium score to assess heart health and the risk of plaque buildup
  • Cholesterol balance test to determine whether your cholesterol problem stems from overproduction or absorption
  • Comprehensive hormone panels to check cortisol, insulin, thyroid, and more

These blind spots are where serious issues can hide, waiting to strike. Addressing them proactively is key to optimal health.

The Gut-Brain Connection

How Your Diet Is Sabotaging Your Mind and Mood

Most people don’t realize just how much their gut affects their mind. Dr. Gapin sees this often: poor diet choices leading to brain fog, sluggishness, and even anxiety.

One client—a high-performance athlete—discovered his go-to breakfast of bananas and coffee was killing his focus. Precision testing revealed food sensitivities that had been flying under the radar. “One small dietary change drastically improved his focus and performance. It was that simple.”

One small dietary change drastically improved his focus and performance. It was that simple.

Your gut health doesn’t just impact digestion. It affects your mood, energy, and mental sharpness. This is why personalized nutrition can make such a massive difference.

Using Wearable Tech to Hack Your Health

Real-Time Data, Real Results

Wearable technology isn’t just about tracking your steps—it’s a game-changer for understanding how your habits affect your health in real time.

Tools to Track Your Health:

  • Oura Ring – Tracks sleep quality and heart rate variability, offering insight into recovery and stress levels
  • Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) – Real-time tracking of your blood sugar response to different foods

Guys think they’re getting great sleep until they see the data. They’re shocked to learn they only got 15 minutes of deep sleep. – Dr. Tracy Gapin

By using wearable tech, Dr. Gapin’s clients can see exactly how their choices impact their health on a day-to-day basis. The data doesn’t lie.

The Future of Men’s Health

The Power of Personalized Medicine

What does the future of men’s health look like? According to Dr. Gapin, it’s all about precision. Personalized medicine—driven by genetics, advanced diagnostics, and lifestyle tracking—is the future.

“It’s not about finding one magic pill. It’s about teaching men how to take control of their health.” – Dr. Tracy Gapin

The future of medicine is empowering men with the tools they need to optimize their health and live better, longer.

Take Control of Your Health Today

Don’t Settle for Mediocrity

Dr. Gapin emphasizes the importance of taking action now. Too many men put their health on the back burner until it’s too late. But with the right data and strategy, you can regain control of your vitality.

“You deserve to feel vibrant and alive—not just to survive.” – Dr. Tracy Gapin

Free Resources:

Now is the time to act—whether you’re dealing with brain fog, low energy, or just want to maximize your performance, you can start making changes today.

How to Take the First Step

  • Ready to start optimizing your health? Visit for free resources and tools to take control of your health journey.

Support Your Child’s Natural Immune Defense

As the school year kicks off, so do the countless health challenges that come with it—seasonal allergies, stress, and environmental triggers. But with Nature’s Shield, your child doesn’t have to face them unprepared.

HistaEze™ is your child’s first line of defense, crafted with a powerful blend of natural ingredients like quercetin, nettle leaf, and bromelain. These nutrients work synergistically to balance the immune response, stabilize histamine levels, and support respiratory health. From the first bell to the last, HistaEze™ helps keep immune disruptors at bay, ensuring your child stays focused and vibrant throughout the day.

Pair it with NAC—a potent amino acid that supports lung health and antioxidant status, ensuring your child’s immune system is fortified against everyday exposures. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant, providing a robust defense against heavy metals and environmental stressors that often spike during the school season.

Why Nature’s Shield?
  • Science-Backed Formulas: Harness the power of nature combined with cutting-edge science to give your child the immune support they need.
  • Whole-Person Health: Equip your child with the tools to thrive not just in school, but in life—healthy body, sharp mind, and resilient spirit.
  • Natural Ingredients: No synthetic fillers, just pure, natural ingredients that work with the body, not against it.

Get Ahead of School Season Stress—Naturally.

Give your child the support they need to excel, inside and out, with Nature’s Shield: Back 2 School Immune Boost.

We’ve Updated Our Popular Food Sourcing Guide

  • Food Sourcing Principles
  • Local Sourcing Options for Central VA
  • Non-Local Sourcing Solutions & Principles

And we’ve added it to our FREE micro course “Real Food Diaries.” Register for the free course to access the updated guide.