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Different vegetables with vibrant colors

8 Ways to Kick Cravings

Do you struggle with cravings and find it difficult to avoid the processed foods that are keeping you stuck in your health journey? You’re not alone.

Man cooking a healthy meal at home

Cooking as Self-Care: The Case for Cooking at Home

When you think of self-care what comes to mind? Do you imagine a bubble bath, yoga, or a beach vacation? How do you define self-care?

Mobile phone hidden in a drawer

Unplug to Upgrade: Smart Ways to Slash Your Screen Time and Unlock a Healthier You

What do sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, eye strain, neck and back problems, social isolation, and even addictive behaviors all have in common? They all have connections to an increase in the time we spend looking at our screens.

Personal Care Products

Reducing Toxic Load to Balance Hormones: Spring Cleaning for Your Hormones

Fiber is finally getting the attention it deserves thanks to what we’ve learned about metabolism, lipid management, the gut microbiome, and even brain health.

Different fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber

The Fiber Fix: Using Fiber to Enhance Weight Loss, Heart Health, Blood Sugar Management, and Brain Function with Real Food

Fiber is finally getting the attention it deserves thanks to what we’ve learned about metabolism, lipid management, the gut microbiome, and even brain health.

Woman chopping vegetables preparing a meal

A Prep-Ahead DIY Fasting Mimicking Diet Menu

Many of you have experienced the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) with us at RIFM, and we’ve heard your feedback on the positive results! As we start off the New Year with a renewed commitment to our health, the Fasting Mimicking Diet can be a powerful tool.

Holiday Feast

Planning for the Holidays on a Health Journey

Do the holidays tempt you to abandon your health goals? You’re not alone!


Coach’s Corner: Do You Need More Omega-3s?

Did you know that most Americans are deficient in omega-3s? One of the most common nutritional recommendations our doctors make is to increase omega-3 intake. If your doctor has asked you to bump up the omega-3s, this is for you. And even if not, chances are that the rest of us could stand to benefit…

Coach's Corner: 9 Servings of Veggies in Real Life

Coach’s Corner: 9 Servings of Veggies in Real Life

Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow I may have to eat them. – Author unknown Blank stares. Sometimes that’s the response I get when I tell clients that the Institute for Functional Medicine recommends 9-12 servings of colorful vegetables each day. That is so different from the way that most of…

Meal Planning in Real Life

Coach’s Corner: Meal Planning in Real Life

Meal Planning in Real Life   How to Get Healthy and Tasty Food on the Table More Efficiently Meal planning is a frequent topic of conversation in health coaching sessions. How can you get in the 9-12 servings of vegetables AND hit your protein goals without turning cooking into your full-time job?   I asked…

What's the Big Deal About Bread

Coach’s Corner: What’s the Big Deal About Bread?

Is Bread Healthy? Clients frequently ask me about bread and wonder whether they should eat it regularly – or at all. So, I’m about to wade into a somewhat touchy subject and discuss some of the pitfalls of bread and what to look for in choosing bread that supports your health goals.     Four…


Coach’s Corner: What are Healthy Carbs?

Are You Afraid of Carbs? Carbohydrates are a frequent topic of conversation in coaching sessions. My clients often want to know: How many and what kinds of carbs should I eat? If I remove processed carbs from my diet, won’t I experience low energy? Should I avoid carbs?   The answer to that question relies…


Coach’s Corner: A Coaching Case Study on the Health Benefits of Fun

A Coaching Case Study on Fun When thinking about a healthy lifestyle, we often think of nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management. We don’t often consider our hobbies, creative pursuits, or other activities that we do just for enjoyment. Today I’d like to talk a little about the role that fun plays in our overall…


Coach’s Corner: You Can Create New Habits – Even During the Holidays

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt   As a health coach, my job is to help people actually do what they want to do. We all have aspirations. We may want to eat more vegetables, get in some movement every day, practice yoga, or cut back on sugar or alcohol. But actually doing…