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Our Silent Crisis
Dr. Tracy Gapin shares how men are sleepwalking into a health crisis…and no one’s talking about it.
Protecting Your Mind: Essential Strategies to Combat Alzheimer’s Disease
As the prevalence of Alzheimer’s continues to rise, understanding the disease and how to prevent it becomes increasingly crucial.
Testosterone & Women’s Health
We often associate testosterone with men’s health, but it’s crucial for women’s health and sometimes overlooked as a therapeutic option in treating women’s hormone issues.
Progesterone: The Elder Sister
When I began studying medicine in 1996, I was told that after a woman had a hysterectomy or went through menopause she no longer needed progesterone. It was thought that estrogen was the only important sex hormone for women. We now know that to be antiquated thinking; progesterone is a key hormone with many functions…
The Hormone Hierarchy
The hormone hierarchy allows us to address the preceding factors first — those that affect other hormones beneath them in the hierarchy.
A Prep-Ahead DIY Fasting Mimicking Diet Menu
Many of you have experienced the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) with us at RIFM, and we’ve heard your feedback on the positive results! As we start off the New Year with a renewed commitment to our health, the Fasting Mimicking Diet can be a powerful tool.
The Power of Fasting
Fasting is more than just a health trend. If you’ve heard whispers about the transformative power of fasting but haven’t yet ventured into this realm, now is the perfect time to explore the ancient wisdom and modern science of fasting.
Food & Mood: Take Control of Your Mental Health
Mood disorders like anxiety and depression are increasing. But understanding the critical link between food and mood can empower you to take back control of your mental health.
Inflammation: The Underlying Cause of Chronic Disease
Inflammation is a normal response of our body’s immune system … but it can sometimes run amok, leading to all kinds of problems.
Understanding, Diagnosing, & Treating Lyme Disease
The number of Lyme disease cases in the US is greater than breast cancer, yet its still widely misunderstood and misdiagnosed.
Age Is Just a Number: Anti-Aging Strategies
Imagine the aging process in your body slowing down. Can we decelerate aging and live a vibrant life as we grow older? Wonder no more. We know that behaviors such as smoking, alcohol, and inadequate sleep can speed up the aging process. There are also many steps we can take to counteract the impact of…
Discover the Health Benefits of Turmeric Ginger Tea | My Daughter’s Daily Elixir
Health Benefits of Turmeric Ginger Tea A Delicious and Nutritious Daily Ritual Do you know what my daughter Abigail’s latest obsession is? It’s a little cup of tea, (or really more like multiple cups) made with turmeric and ginger, and it’s become part of her daily routine. As a parent, I couldn’t be happier…
Coach’s Corner: What are Healthy Carbs?
Are You Afraid of Carbs? Carbohydrates are a frequent topic of conversation in coaching sessions. My clients often want to know: How many and what kinds of carbs should I eat? If I remove processed carbs from my diet, won’t I experience low energy? Should I avoid carbs? The answer to that question relies…
A New Year Reset with the Fasting-Mimicking Diet
Everyone is talking about anti-aging and anti-cancer therapies these days. They’re looking for a quick fix. But what if I told you that there IS a way that has been shown to boost stem cells and recycle aging, inefficient cells in order to improve your metabolism? What if there were an easy treatment…