Hormone SERIES Thyroid 3 of 4: Low Thyroid Function(Hypothyroidism)

Dr. Aaron Hartman
April 12, 2022

Thyroid Deficiency: The Epidemic Among Us
Low thyroid function, also known as hypothyroidism, is incredibly common and becoming more and more prevalent. About 4% of the population currently has hypothyroidism as defined by elevated Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels. But once you realize the nuances of subclinical and functional hyperthyroidism, the true picture is that likely 20% of the population has thyroid autoantibodies. We’re clearly missing a lot of low thyroid and other hormonal dysfunctions.
What Causes Low Thyroid?
What are some of the root causes of hypothyroidism and how can we address them?
First, we can address nutrient deficiencies, such as insufficient:
- Iodine
- Selenium
- Copper
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
- Vitamin B3 (niacin)
- Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
- Vitamin C
- Zinc
- Iron
For menstruating women, a ferritin level over 130 is optimal due to increased iron requirements, otherwise, ferritin over 100 is adequate.
Next, it is important to address stress.
Stress can affect your thyroid function in two ways. Unmanaged stress can directly elevate cortisol levels, which feed back and suppress TSH in your midbrain, thereby also suppressing thyroid function. Stress can also indirectly affect thyroid function through adverse effects on sleep.
Thyroid function can be affected by medications.
Many medications including estrogen replacement therapy, oral contraceptives, and blood pressure medications can impact thyroid function.
An excess of certain minerals can reduce thyroid function.
Too much copper, for example, can cause low thyroid function. Calcium, in excess, can also suppress thyroid function. Just think about that for a second. All the calcium we’ve been told to take the last 20 years – which now actually NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from the CDC), as well as the USPFTF (US Preventative Medicine Task Force), are no longer recommending – may have been causing low thyroid function in women.
These dietary factors can affect your thyroid function:
- Too little protein in the diet
- A diet too low in fat
- Low carbohydrate diets
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Eating excessive soy and soy products
- Consuming too many cruciferous vegetables
The problem with too many cruciferous vegetables is not with the vegetables themselves, but an issue with sourcing. Some cruciferous vegetables can have thallium in them, a heavy metal that can affect your thyroid function.
So what are some things you can do to support your thyroid?
First, you want to know your levels. As we discussed last week, it’s important to get them tested.
If you find that you have levels that are suboptimal, but not officially low, you could consider doing some basic nutrient repletion with fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins, zinc, copper, selenium, and iodine, if appropriate. I always recommend testing and not guessing for all nutrients supplementation due to the intricacies and interactions of these nutrients.
There are also some herbals you can use to help support your thyroid function. These include ashwagandha, which is also a great herbal for helping balance cortisol. Coleus forskohlii and bladderwrack are also thyroid-supporting herbs to consider.
Overall, you want a comprehensive thyroid evaluation with adequate follow-through to find the root cause. If you have an autoimmune issue, it’s important to also consider gut health and toxins to see if they’ve triggered the autoimmune process. This can be quite complicated and require a functional medicine practitioner to help you sort this out.
Next Week
In our last post on the thyroid next week, we’ll dive into hyperthyroidism or excessive thyroid levels.
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Take care and be well.
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