Search Results: Anti-Aging

Understanding Lyme Disease: The Burden, Diagnosis, and Controversy

Chronic Lyme Disease

Demystifying Lyme Disease

Understanding, Diagnosing, & Treating This Mysterious Illness

The number of Lyme disease cases in the US is greater than breast cancer, yet its still widely misunderstood and misdiagnosed.

Health Benefits of Turmeric and Ginger

Discover the Health Benefits of Turmeric Ginger Tea | My Daughter’s Daily Elixir

Health Benefits of Turmeric Ginger Tea   A Delicious and Nutritious Daily Ritual Do you know what my daughter Abigail’s latest obsession is? It’s a little cup of tea, (or…

All About Herbals Hibiscus

All About Herbals: Hibiscus

The Benefits of Hibiscus Tea My son, Khalil, loves hibiscus tea and it’s saving his life. Now, I know that sounds like a crazy statement. We talk about food as…

Coach’s Corner: What are Healthy Carbs?

Are You Afraid of Carbs? Carbohydrates are a frequent topic of conversation in coaching sessions. My clients often want to know: How many and what kinds of carbs should I…

A New Year Reset with the Fasting-Mimicking Diet

Everyone is talking about anti-aging and anti-cancer therapies these days. They’re looking for a quick fix.   But what if I told you that there IS a way that has…


There is a very common myth that eating high-cholesterol foods causes elevated cholesterol.This is 100% myth. We’ve had a misunderstanding of the kinds of foods that drive high cholesterol. We…

Choosing Healthy Cooking Oils

What’s wrong with seed oils? First, the bad news. This may be surprising, but I’m going to be blunt here. Canola, corn, soybean, palm, and vegetable oils are rancid, partially…

Coach’s Corner: Coffee Lovers Rejoice!

I often get questions about coffee. Clients broach the subject with trepidation, sometimes almost whispering, “Do you think I need to give up coffee?” They are surprised when I say, “Probably not.”  …

Coach’s Corner: Half a Plate of Veggies to Cut the Nutritional Noise

If a quality diet is the foundation of health, filling half of your plate with colorful, nutritionally-dense vegetables is the cornerstone.   In last month’s post, A Mindset of Eating…

Femal Doctor performing checking the BP of a female patient

Cardiovascular Disease | Part 2

Screening for Heart Disease

Last week we started our discussion on cardiovascular disease, the number one killer in our country. We talked about many risk factors and the root causes of heart disease: inflammation,…

A Time to Heighten Awareness About Alzheimer’s Disease

November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating neurological condition that mainly affects elderly individuals. When you look at the numbers, it’s astounding that about 5.8 million Americans…

Little boy with allergies in a field of pollen

What Causes Those Dreaded Spring Time Allergies – And How to Ease Your Symptoms Naturally

You might be surprised to learn what the root causes are behind some of your seasonal sniffles!

Christian Jenski MD

Christian Jenski MD AAEM, ACEP, ABEM, ABOIM, FAAMFM, IFMCP Dr. Jenski’s Story Medical Biography Dr. Jenski’s Story Dr. Jenski has dreamed of practicing medicine for as long as he can…

Dr. Aaron Hartman MD

Dr. Aaron Hartman MD MD, MAR, ABAARM, FAAMFM, FAAFP, DABFM, DABIM,DAIHM, IFMCP Dr Hartman’s Story Curriculum Vitae Research Accomplishments Dr. Aaron Hartman, MD Certifications Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner…