Made for Health

Inside Out Health

Rethinking Health from the Inside Out With Dr. Christine Bishara

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Dr. Aaron Hartman

October 2, 2024

Inside Out Health

The Gut: Your Body’s Command Center

What if the key to better health was right inside you? … Yep, in your gut!

Let’s face it: health is complex. But sometimes, the solutions are simpler than we think. Recently, I sat down with Dr. Christine Bishara, founder of From Within Medical, and she broke down the connection between gut health and just about everything else. We’re talking physical health, mental clarity, disease prevention—the whole shebang!

Dr. Bishara doesn’t just treat the body, she listens to it. She understands that the gut is like your body’s central control tower, managing everything from how you feel to how you fight off illness.

The body may be complex, but healing it is much simpler than we’ve been told. – Dr. Christine Bishara

If we can get the gut in line, everything else falls into place. So let’s dive in!

A Personal Journey of Transformation

From an overweight teen to a gut-health guru—Dr. Bishara’s journey is personal, and it’s powerful.

Like many of us…actually, like ALL of us, Dr. Bishara didn’t have the perfect health journey. As a teenager, she battled obesity and tried everything under the sun to lose weight. Then came medical school, where she finally connected the dots between nutrition, weight loss, and her body’s processes. Her lightbulb moment? Understanding your body is the first step to healing it!

I know the struggle because I lived it. Healing is simpler than we think, but it requires understanding how our bodies work. – Dr. Christine Bishara

Her personal journey inspired From Within Medical, where she combines traditional medicine with gut health to transform lives. She’s all about simplifying the process—making health easy and sustainable for the long haul.

The Gut’s Role in COVID-19 Severity

Could your gut bacteria be the secret weapon against COVID-19? Turns out, it’s a big deal!

When COVID-19 hit, Dr. Bishara found herself neck-deep in groundbreaking research connecting the severity of the virus to gut health. Her discovery? The bacteria bifidobacterium could be the missing link. Turns out, kids have loads of this stuff, and it might just explain why they were faring better against COVID.

We discovered that bifidobacterium plays a critical role in modulating the immune response to COVID-19. – Dr. Christine Bishara

This was a game changer. It opened up a whole new way of looking at our immune system and how keeping the gut in check can keep us fighting fit—not just against COVID, but a whole lot more.

Your Gut & Mental Health

What you eat affects your mood, memory, and sleep—but let’s get real, HOW does it work?

The gut and brain are like besties, constantly chatting through the gut-brain axis. If your gut’s in a bad mood, trust me, your brain will be, too. Dr. Bishara says this gut-brain connection influences everything from anxiety to brain fog.

Key Neurotransmitters Affected by Nutrition:

  • Serotonin: The “feel-good” hormone, produced from tryptophan (hello, turkey and nuts!).
  • GABA: Your chill pill, made from glutamic acid (think broccoli and tomatoes).
  • Acetylcholine: The brain booster, fueled by choline-rich foods like eggs.

We have trillions of organisms living in our gut that regulate inflammation and produce neurotransmitters, which are vital for mental health. – Dr. Christine Bishara

So yeah, what you eat doesn’t just feed your body—it feeds your mind. When your gut’s happy, you’re happy.

The Role of Fiber in Weight Loss

Struggling with weight loss? Forget the fad diets and start by feeding your gut!

Look, weight loss isn’t about starving yourself. It’s about feeding the right bacteria! Fiber is the real MVP here. Dr. Bishara breaks it down: when you feed your gut fiber, your bacteria produce compounds that regulate hunger and improve insulin sensitivity. Yeah, it’s that simple.

How Fiber Aids Weight Loss:

  • Hunger hormone control: Fiber helps you pump out GLP-1, which tells your brain, “Hey, I’m full!”
  • Insulin sensitivity: Fiber makes your body better at handling sugar, which means better weight management.
  • Slows digestion: Keeps you satisfied longer and crushes those cravings.

Your gut bacteria are in charge of your hunger and metabolism. Feed them fiber, and they’ll work wonders for your waistline. – Dr. Christine Bishara

Feed your gut bacteria well, and they’ll have your back—literally!

Postbiotics: The Unsung Heroes of Gut Health

Probiotics are the hype—but have you heard about postbiotics like butyrate? These guys are the real game-changers.

We all know about probiotics, but Dr. Bishara’s putting the spotlight on postbiotics—specifically butyrate. This miracle compound is what your bacteria churn out when they break down fiber, and it’s pure gold for your health.

Butyrate is like rocket fuel for your gut and brain. It strengthens the gut lining and protects your brain from inflammation. – Dr. Christine Bishara

Butyrate keeps your gut strong, prevents toxins from entering your bloodstream, and protects your brain from nasty stuff like endotoxins. Oh, and it’s great for reducing inflammation, which is huge for preventing things like Alzheimer’s.

Want More Butyrate? Here’s How:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Oats
  • Legumes

Eat up, and let your gut do the rest.

Real Patient Success Stories

Food as medicine? Dr. Bishara’s patients are living proof.

Dr. Bishara doesn’t just talk the talk—her patients are walking success stories. Here are two real-life examples of how healing the gut transformed their lives.

Success Story 1: Recurring Yeast Infections

  • A patient kept getting yeast infections that meds just couldn’t fix.
  • Gut analysis revealed low levels of lactobacillus (the good bacteria for vaginal health).
  • Solution? Homemade yogurt and probiotics. The yeast infections stopped, for good!

When you nourish your body from the inside, it knows how to heal itself. – Dr. Christine Bishara

Success Story 2: Teenage Acne and Diet

  • A teenager had tried every acne product on the market, but nothing worked.
  • Dr. Bishara figured out the culprit: whey protein.
  • He ditched the whey, and the acne disappeared.

These aren’t flukes—this is what happens when you address the root cause instead of slapping on band-aid fixes.

Call to Action: Take Control of Your Health Through Your Gut

Ready to take control of your health? Let’s start with your gut.

Dr. Bishara’s insights are clear: the gut is at the heart of your health. When you take care of it, your body does the rest. Her book, The Gut Revolution, breaks it all down into simple steps, and her practice, From Within Medical, is there to guide you on your journey.

When we focus on gut health, we’re not just treating symptoms—we’re addressing the root causes of many chronic conditions. – Dr. Christine Bishara

Take Control of Your Health Today:

  • Grab a copy of The Gut Revolution by Dr. Bishara on Amazon.
  • Start feeding your gut with fiber-rich, whole foods.

Your health journey starts from within. Are you ready to take the first step?

Support Your Child’s Natural Immune Defense

As the school year kicks off, so do the countless health challenges that come with it—seasonal allergies, stress, and environmental triggers. But with Nature’s Shield, your child doesn’t have to face them unprepared.

HistaEze™ is your child’s first line of defense, crafted with a powerful blend of natural ingredients like quercetin, nettle leaf, and bromelain. These nutrients work synergistically to balance the immune response, stabilize histamine levels, and support respiratory health. From the first bell to the last, HistaEze™ helps keep immune disruptors at bay, ensuring your child stays focused and vibrant throughout the day.

Pair it with NAC—a potent amino acid that supports lung health and antioxidant status, ensuring your child’s immune system is fortified against everyday exposures. NAC is a precursor to glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant, providing a robust defense against heavy metals and environmental stressors that often spike during the school season.

Why Nature’s Shield?
  • Science-Backed Formulas: Harness the power of nature combined with cutting-edge science to give your child the immune support they need.
  • Whole-Person Health: Equip your child with the tools to thrive not just in school, but in life—healthy body, sharp mind, and resilient spirit.
  • Natural Ingredients: No synthetic fillers, just pure, natural ingredients that work with the body, not against it.

Get Ahead of School Season Stress—Naturally.

Give your child the support they need to excel, inside and out, with Nature’s Shield: Back 2 School Immune Boost.

We’ve Updated Our Popular Food Sourcing Guide

  • Food Sourcing Principles
  • Local Sourcing Options for Central VA
  • Non-Local Sourcing Solutions & Principles

And we’ve added it to our FREE micro course “Real Food Diaries.” Register for the free course to access the updated guide.