The Connected Path

Addressing Hypermobility in Our Connected Health


How to Get the Most Out of The Connected Path.

Thank you for joining me on The Connected Path, a self-directed pathway to assess, understand, and address the implications of Hypermobility in your Connected Health.

Click on the video to the left for a brief orientation on our path together.

The Connected Path

Part One

Presentation: 40 min | Q&A: 20 min

The Connected Path

Part Two

Presentation: 40 min | Q&A: 20 min

The Connected Path

Part Three

Presentation: 40 min | Q&A: 20 min

The Connected Path


  • All
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3

I’ve wondered if my ‘fibromyalgia’ wasn’t really just these super tight muscles, which are of course tender when you press on them.

Can pain suddenly develop in hypermobility syndrome? About two months ago I woke up one morning with terrible pain in nearly every joint. My hands were not usually affected prior to this, but it is now intense enough that it hurts to type or even move a blanket. It also hasn’t gone away and conventional doctors haven’t been able to identify anything wrong. Is this something that can happen to hypermobility patients?

Are higher than normal cortisol levels associated with hypermobility?

In one of the videos, he talked about how due to the lack of core strength the kidneys may not have enough support and may contribute to high blood pressure. Is this something that can be changed or are blood pressure medications the only way to address this?

Dr. Hartman said a physical therapist who specializes in hypermobility is best. Is there a list of recommended physical therapists in the central Virginia area?

Is it okay to use these liposomal formulas with sunflower lecithin, or whatever is in them?

Do you see people making more dietary changes once they begin? For example, in my case almost everything I eat makes me feel bad. Most fermented foods have a strong flavor and make me gag. I don’t think I could stomach a lot of the dietary changes, but taking supplements to begin the process and then, once we start to not feel as bad, trying to do more of the actual diet changes might be something that works.

Would cryotherapy work for addressing pain, in addition to acupuncture and neurofeedback?

Would a vibration plate be an acceptable replacement for rebounding? I have some hypermobility in the small bones in the arches of my feet, so jumping is tricky for me.

Are there options for Alpha Gal people as far as glandular and collagen supplements? Is marine collagen good?

How long does it normally take on this plan to notice improvements? I know it’s different for everyone, but just looking for some hope.

For someone (with rheumatoid arthritis) who has a very hard time exercising because it flares up her joints. What do you suggest?

The Connected Path


Sleep Supports


  • Liposomal Melatonin 2-4mg sublingual at night prior to sleep (Quicksilver)
  • Magnesium Chelate 2-4 caps prior to sleep (Designs for Health)

Essentials Bundle

Essentials Plus

  • Insomnitol Chewables 1-2 at night (Designs for Health)
  • Magnesium Chelate 2-4 caps prior to sleep (Designs for Health)

Essentials Plus Bundle


  • Insomnitol 2-3 caps at night (Designs for Health)
  • Magnesium Chelate 2-4 caps prior to sleep (Designs for Health) (Can take up to 6 caps)
  • Relora Plus 2 caps prior to sleep (Thorne)

Ultimate Bundle