Search Results: inflammation

Compilation of images that shows inflammation to different parts of the body


The Underlying Cause of Chronic Disease

Inflammation is a normal response of our body’s immune system … but it can sometimes run amok, leading to all kinds of problems.

The Autoimmune Paleo Breakthrough: A Revolutionary Protocol to Rapidly Decrease Inflammation and Balance Your Immune System

Paradigm Shift

Exploring the Impact of Mold & CIRS on Medicine

It would be difficult to overstate how dramatically my medical practice has been influenced by CIRS—not because I went looking for it…

Connected Health

8 Lifehacks for Better Sleep

Whether you’re struggling to get a good night’s rest or just looking for ways to enhance your sleep quality, these science-backed tips can help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Detox | Part 2

A Foundational Detox Plan

Your body is designed to detox. Amplify your natural process to eliminate toxins.

Detox | Part 3

Advanced Detoxification

Curious about my go-to detoxification tools for patients? Explore advanced strategies and special considerations for detoxification.

Copy of Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic Diet Do you suffer from any of the following conditions: Weight Gain Digestive Problems Low Energy Brain Fog Type 2 Diabetes High Blood Pressure Epilepsy Metabolic Syndrome Many chronic…

Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic Diet Do you suffer from any of the following conditions: Weight Gain Digestive Problems Low Energy Brain Fog Type 2 Diabetes High Blood Pressure Epilepsy Metabolic Syndrome Many chronic…

Microplastics Everywhere

How to Detox & Shield Your Body

Microplastics are infiltrating our environment and bodies, posing serious health risks. Learn effective strategies to reduce exposure and support your body’s detoxification processes.

Different vegetables with vibrant colors

Coach's Corner

8 Ways to Kick Cravings

How to Boost GLP-1 Naturally

Do you struggle with cravings and find it difficult to avoid the processed foods that are keeping you stuck in your health journey? You’re not alone.

Protecting Your Mind

Essential Strategies to Combat Alzheimer’s Disease

As the prevalence of Alzheimer’s continues to rise, understanding the disease and how to prevent it becomes increasingly crucial.

Overcoming IBS

Take Control of GI Issues Like Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you’re struggling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or gastrointestinal (GI) issues, please know that you’re not alone. 10 – 15% of the population has IBS, and GI complaints are one of the major reasons people go to their primary care doctor.

Prevent Heart Disease with Food

Proactive Prevention for Our Deadliest Disease

Over the last several years, we seem to have lost sight of the most common killer in our country.     Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, accounts for…

Mystery Illnesses

Demystifying POTS

This Mystery Illness Sweeping Our Country Doesn’t Need to Mystify You

Understanding POTS can seem overwhelming, but realizing its connection to other conditions offers a pathway to effective treatment.