Search Results: SIBO

Made for Health

Lyme... Covid... Mold... Oh My!

The Puzzle of Chronic Illness — Unraveling the Truth

Discover the complex web of factors behind chronic illnesses like Lyme disease, long COVID, and mold toxicity. Dr. Richard Horowitz, a leading expert on…

Mystery Illnesses

Demystifying POTS

This Mystery Illness Sweeping Our Country Doesn’t Need to Mystify You

Understanding POTS can seem overwhelming, but realizing its connection to other conditions offers a pathway to effective treatment.

Woman casting a long shadow

Treating Long COVID

Facing a Real Problem and Moving Forward

Long COVID is an inflammatory response to the original infection. That’s important because post-infectious inflammatory complications are not new.

Superpower or Supersyndrome? | Part 2

Hypermobility & Chronic Health Issues

Connecting the Dots between Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmune Disease, & POTS

If a syndrome is a condition associated with a cluster of symptoms, a supersyndrome is a group of related conditions often seen together.


Low FODMAP Food Plan What are FODMAPs (and why avoid them)? The Low-FODMAP Food Plan aims to limit food sources of certain carbohydrates and sugars which contain higher levels of:…

Chronic Health Issues

Autoimmune & Autoinflammatory Disease

Addressing the Seismic Rise in Chronic Health Issues

Chronic health issues (autoimmune & autoinflammatory) are now the most common medical problems we deal with. How can you protect yourself?

Protein Powder

Straight Talk About Supplements | Part 6

Protein & Collagen

A Doctor’s Guide

When you purchase protein powder or collagen, you expect it to support your health. But you have to be wise.

Superpower or Supersyndrome? | Part 1

Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder

How a Superpower Can Become Your Achilles Heel

What if I were to tell you I’ve discovered one root cause — one predisposing factor associated with the most common & complex issues doctors address every day?

Mold Wars

Five Battlegrounds in the ‘Mold Wars’ Debate

There’s a lot of debate, even in the functional medicine world, about chronic illness related to mold toxicity. Let’s look at five specific battlegrounds in the debate.

The Cause of the Root Cause of Chronic Disease Part III: The Role of Gut Health

How does fasting positively affect your gut health and treat chronic disease? In the past couple of weeks, we’ve alluded to the idea that gut health plays a major role…

Functional Medicine Doctor’s Guide to Protein Powders

Today, we wanted to take the time to delve into the topic of protein powders. We’re going to be highlighting protein-based and plant-based powders that include collagen. As you probably…