With a ConnectCODE: Yellow Score, You’re Still At a Pivitol Crossroad.

Understanding a Yellow Score

Hypermobility is a complex and multifaceted condition. It’s not just about flexibility or elasticity. It’s connected to those “mystery symptoms” that you may not have realized were linked to your body’s unique characteristics.

Scoring yellow means you might have:

  • Specific markers of hypermobility with fewer associated health problems.
  • Issues typically associated with hypermobility but fewer specific indicators of hypermobility itself.

Hypermobility can be a superpower or a super syndrome. The key is understanding how it affects you personally and learning how to harness its potential positively.

The Opportunity Ahead

Are you just beginning to notice the symptoms, the unexplained fatigue, the mysterious aches, the unsettling heart palpitations? Maybe hypermobility was once your superpower, giving you flexibility and grace, but now it's starting to feel like a burden. Don’t let it become your Achilles’ heel. It’s not too late.

The good news is there are concrete steps you can take to support the tissues that hold your body together.